The Liberty Basketball Program is extremely proud to announce Jack Smith will be honored as the winner of the Tom Colwell Lifetime Acheivement Award presented by the Greater Kansas City Basketball Coaches Association. The awards banquet, scheduled for April 10th at the Independence Events Center, is part of the Missouri/Kansas All-Star games, DiRenna awards, and All-Academic teams. The Tom Colwell award is a 'who's who' of Kansas City basketball.
Here is a list of previous winners:
2009 Tom Goddard, longtime coach at Raytown; Administrator
2008 Walt Shublom, Wyandotte HS and KCKCC
2007 Jim Draper, Blue Valley and other area HS
2006 Lee Kariker, William Jewell College
2005 Norb Schmidt, longtime KC area coach
2004 Keith Lindsay, longtime KCK involvement in the sport of basketball
2003 Lafayette Norwood, JCCC
2002 Jim Gurley, SM South HS
Jack is a graduate of Liberty High School, Class of 1967. He is currently 63 years young and has been a manager of Liberty Athletics for 44 years. He helps the boys and girls basketball teams as a manager and is a ball boy for the football team. The past four years Jack has been a program assistant for the boys basketball program. His career highlights would include the boys state championship years of 1998 and 2001 and the girls state championship year of 2007. Jack works 4 days per week at Vocational Services Incorporated. For the past 44 years he has been a assistant warehouse director at the facility. Jack extends his appreciation to the Blue Jay coaching staffs, the Meeks family, the Miller family, Mr. Blue Jay Foster Sires, Jeff Billings, Marty Williams, sister Kathy and niece Melody.
You can check out a picture collage created by Jeff and Marty of KCSC Sports Photography at http://gallery.me.com/jeffreybillings#100975
The Blue Jay program would like to invite all Liberty fans to attend the banquet to support Jack. For details about the event, please contact Coach Stirtz at rostirtz@liberty.k12.mo.us or 736.6836 by April 2nd. It will be a great night to honor Jack! Go Jays!