The Liberty basketball program welcomed Karen Kornacki and the Ch 9 sports team to practice on Wednesday. KMBC selected the Jays as their 'Team in Focus' this week. Look for the story to air on the 6pm and 10pm newscasts on Thursday.
"It's a nice honor for our players and our program to be recognized," stated Coach Simpson. "The team has worked hard to get where we are, but there's still a lot more we want to accomplish this season. We appreciate the effort of Ch 9 helping to promote not only our program, but high school sports in general."
Ms. Kornacki mentioned it's always fun to do features on high school players/teams. "They're happy to see us because it's something they don't experience on this level everyday. The players I normally talk with are professional athletes and although our pro teams in Kansas City are great to work with, sometimes players view talking with the media as a requirement of the job. That isn't the case with high school athletes. They are excited about it and see it as a 'treat' to be on TV."
Kornacki went on to say that she feels it's an expectation of a local news station to feature local teams and stories. "We're a member of the community and we want our viewers to know about all the outstanding individual and team talent our area."
Check out the feature at the following website: http://www.kmbc.com/video/22309236/index.html